YINGDI KWD 808 ELECTRO PULSE ACUPUNCTURE THERAPEUTIC APPARATUS is a new type of multi-functional acupuncture therapeutic device that combines many advantages of similar products made at hoem and abroad.It is a combination of traditional Chinese acupuncture and modern electronics science.It includes meridian doctrine of traditional acupuncturology,new high techniques in electronics, and modern medical treories. This device is easy to operate,safe,effective,without side-effects.It treats diseases such as migraine,trigeminal neuralgia,peripheral facial palsy,sciatica,toothache,scapulohumeral periarthritis,sprain,muscular strain,ect.Thus it has gained wide favorable acceptance from acupuncturists and patients of many countries.Sales networks are established in more than 30 countries including USA,France,Canada,Spain,Italy,England,Australia,Thailand, Vietnam,etc.This device is a natural,health preserving product.
External?power supply Detecting acupoints
Stimulating acupoints Pulse electrotherapy
Massage Attached with acupoint atlas
Built in Music timing switches and Voltmeter Built in safety protection device for users
DC9V(1.5×6)/CR14/UM2 type battery/AC Adapter
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